Saturday, February 18, 2006

The View

Shaved. Fever broke after a few days. Prepared stuff for work. Watched Mr. and Mrs. Smith. A bit boring, though Angelina Jolie is a beauty to watch. Brad. Not so much. Don't know why. He is like a metrosexual Robert Redford I think. All that blond white boyness they love in sitcom offices (and real life ones sometimes too). Blair Underwood would be the equivalent of black boy goodness they love in offices. I am trying not to be angry slave again today. Don 't want people to think I am picking on white boys. But it is amazing how racialized my speech has become after living one year in Nashville, where my mother finds all whites to be suspect. After what she saw as a child I can see why.

By the way, today someone vandalized a black church in Goodlettsville. And A&E showed the white power skinheads screaming that they wanted Alabama to be an all white state. I had flashbacks to my Nazi students. Funny, all the Germans were all freaked out. For me, I have grown up with this shit all my life. I also had a flashback to NYU when I sat through a history class on oral history and I heard these guys talking about black extended families in the past and how they survived. Both of them were Northerners. I remember that feeling I had. All this talk about stuff like "church burnings" in the past tense. I was fresh from the South then, and I remember being shocked because that was still my experience. Now, I am shocked a decade later that stuff is still going on.

Also saw Final Destination 3. Death scenes were out of control. It was not as good as one and two. Though I love 2nd the best. The lead actor in FD3 should have been killed off first. She was horrible. Fuck it!, she was the horror! The one that played her younger sister was hot. Looked like Pepper's ex-girlfriend from Karlsruhe. Exactly.


Mom's first week of retirement has gone by OK. I wonder what this phase of life will be like for the both of us. When I leave she will be alone.


Anonymous said...

It's my secret shame that (I should prefer a more "artistic" movie) the most exciting, riveting scene of any movie IMHO is the million-car pile-up scene in FD2. God, I love that scene. My heart is beating fast just thinking about it.

Kai in NYC

Littlemilk said...

I feel exactly the same way. And the guy with the braids from Living Single, I think his name was Kyle, is riding a motorcycle in that film. He was great.

In FD3 the rollercoaster ride was just a bit anti-climatic, even though it is at the beginning, but that is the whole point of the movie. The end is the beginning.

I kinda want to convert John to a good Saturday night flick. Maybe in time I will.

But, I love artistic films, but I do love a good bad movie. The Mummy 2 was such a great terrible movie . . . you know what I mean.